Optimal health requires 3 important things !!!

After years of researching. After years of walking the walk when it comes to health. I have discovered some extremely important fundamental things, that I feel are imperative for optimal health.

I have worked on the mind. Reading, listening to pod casts, webinars. Listening to motivational speakers. I attend conventions, with some extremely influential people. I have worked on eating clean. Being a Holistic Nutritionist, I know the importance of clean, organic whole food eating. But adding my walk with God has added the important component I was missing. I fuel my brain with God’s word. I fuel my body with the foods God has created for us to eat to be healthy. I worship and attend church regularly and read devotionals everyday.

Body, Mind and Spirit are the 3 things we need together for optimal health. You cannot have one without the other. Most of my clients may have 1 or 2 of these, and  most times are missing one of them. We usually can’t work on all 3 at once. But like all good things it takes time to build on these things. If we listen to motivational videos, or read books we can get inspired to eat healthy, try a new career path, start volunteering, and do it not just for ourselves but for others. We were designed by God to help others and use our gifts and talents to make the world a better place. It is very hard to inspire others if you yourself are not feeling the best.

Praying to God to ask him to reveal our identity in who we are and what is the plan he has for our life is very important. Most people are lost and unfulfilled. Why not ask your creator? If you have doubts sometimes you just need to ask yourself, has what I have been doing worked for me so far. So why not give it a try.

With so much info on the net and so many people giving us advice it is hard to know what to listen to. I help my clients with the info I have learned on eating healthy. I believe we don’t have to do crazy diets. Just eat clean food. Eat food God made for us, and try to stay away from packaged man made processed food. I help people realize that they were made for a purpose and God never makes junk. We need to gain back control and listen to our inner voice. If we connect with God he will give you answers that are specifically for you.

If you are going through rough times, always know God is with you. Sometimes we don’t know why things happen, but just know God is always there to strengthen and guide you. He knows what you need mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Stop looking to internet for all your help, but look upwards to the creator, for an individualized protocol.  Just give it a try, and let me know what is revealed to you.

Love and Gratitude



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Linda Murphy

Linda Murphy

Linda is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. She teaches her clients easy ways to incorporate an anti-inflammatory diet in a busy lifestyle. She is an avid cook and loves to teach her clients easy and healthy ways to prepare everyday meals.
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