Everything you need smoothie

This smoothie has your antioxidants, your healthy fats, omega 3 fatty acids, calcium and protein.

Put in a blender 1 cup mixed frozen berries. I sometimes will buy several different kinds of frozen fruit such as peaches, cherries, strawberries, mango etc. and make up a bag at home.

Add 1 banana, avocado, ground flax or chia seeds.( 1 tbsp), 2 – 3cups almond, soy or rice milk. Add 2 scoops MySmart Shake (USANA)  protein powder, Soy, whey or plant bases. Blend until smooth.  I sometimes add this to my steel cuts oats after a work out at the gym in the morning. Gives my family and I amazing energy.


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Linda Murphy

Linda Murphy

Linda is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. She teaches her clients easy ways to incorporate an anti-inflammatory diet in a busy lifestyle. She is an avid cook and loves to teach her clients easy and healthy ways to prepare everyday meals.
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