What does being Mindful mean?

Being mindful is being present in the moment. Being present when we are doing daily activities. Focusing on the task we are doing. Often times, we are thinking of other things, while we are doing an activity.

Be present and mindful while you exercise.   Focus on your body. Your muscles. Your breathing.

Be present and mindful when you are talking with others. Don’t be thinking of what you want to say next. Concentrate on what they are saying, and have eye contact. People can tell when we are not paying attention to them.

Be present and mindful when you are eating. Concentrate when chewing and breathing. Stress shuts down digestion. Sit and enjoy your meal. Try to avoid walking around and eating.

What we eat can effect our mood. What we eat can affect our digestion. If we have inflammation in our gut, our happy hormone serotonin cannot be produced. Our gut is our second brain. Happy gut happy brain.

Being stressed produces too much cortisol. Too much cortisol causes extra weight gain in the tummy. Shrinks the hippocampus in the brain (leading to dementia) and causes hormone imbalance (especially in women) Cortisol competes with progesterone in the body. Exercise and eating healthy, keeps the hippocampus large.

The mind, body, spirit connection is very important in healing our bodies. We need a balance of all three to feel energized, youthful, and connected.

My journey has taught me to connect all three, in a way that empowers me to be my authentic self. I now have the tools to help others in their journey. Where ever you are in your journey is great. Just continue to move forward and learn and grow.

Taking care of your body is the most important thing we can do. We only get one. We only have one life. Let’s make it incredible.!!!!




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Linda Murphy

Linda Murphy

Linda is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. She teaches her clients easy ways to incorporate an anti-inflammatory diet in a busy lifestyle. She is an avid cook and loves to teach her clients easy and healthy ways to prepare everyday meals.
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