The most important antioxidant we need for our liver is glutathione. We need lots of this antioxidant to help offset lipid peroxides that our liver will create. These lipid peroxides can damage the entire body. These lipid peroxides can cause heart damage, joint pain and arthritis, Parkinson’s, and a plethora of other diseases. This is the missing link for so many diseases. We need other antioxidants as well, along with anti inflammatory nutrients like Omega 3. But glutathione is the master when it comes to our liver.
We can take supplements which contain NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine), which can convert to glutathione. We recommend USANA Hepa Plus which is the best nutritional for this micro nutrient.
Where does whey protein come in to play? Whey protein is a nutritional source of cystein, that will convert to glutathione as well.
Make sure you get a whey protein like USANA that is pure with no artificial preservatives and additives. USANA adds other micro nutrients to their protein powder for even better absorption of this important antioxidant.
You can order the 7 day reset, which includes 21 packs of shakes, 7 packs of probiotics and 14 (7 am and 7 pm) packs of micro nutrients. This amazing program, kicks sugar cravings to the curb. Fuels your body with all the macro and micro nutrients you need, which may give you sustained energy, better sleep and mental clarity.
Add some healthy fruits and veggies and water, some light exercise and watch the pounds peel away.
Even when you have lost the weight, you will want to continue on the products for their amazing anti inflammatory abilities, and antioxidant protection from pollution, 5G, chemicals and toxins we sometimes cannot avoid. This is our insurance policy to make sure we fill in all the gaps, as we don’t know what nutrients are in everything we eat.
To order the our 30 day Jumpstart reset program click the link below to order.
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