Reducing symptoms of Osteoarthritis

There are two categories for Osteoarthritis. Primary and secondary.

Primary is the degenerative wear and tear process of aging usually starts at the age of 50-60 years of age. Number of repair enzymes is greatly reduced. Making the joint structure prone to damage.

Secondary Osteoarthritis is associated with some predisposing factors  such as inherited abnormalities in joint structure or function, trauma (fractures along joint surfaces, surgery and the like). But that being said the body still wants and has the ability to heal itself if given the right foods and supplements.

Nutrition can play a major role in the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis.

The body is constantly under attack from the environment, causing free radical damage.

Things that cause free radical damage are:

Smoking, sunlight, X rays, air pollutants, pesticides, anesthetics, fried foods, solvents, alcohol, and formaldehyde.

Human enzymes and antioxidants from the plant foods we consume protect against harm from free radicals.

The helpful substances in these foods are carotenes, flavonoids, vitamins C and E and sulfur containing compounds. Free radical scavenging enzymes, catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase can break down the free radicals before they react  with molecules in the cells.

Ingesting uncooked or lightly steamed fruits and vegetables can increase tissue concentrations of nutrients such as Vitamin C, E and beta carotene and selenium to neutralize free radicals.

Norman Childers Diet for Osteoarthritis
One of the most popular diets in helping relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis is the elimination of the nightshade group of veggies. He himself took these out of his diet and cured himself of osteoarthritis. His theory is that there may be a group of people that are genetically susceptible to the effects of eating foods containing alkaloids found in tomatoes, potatoes, egg plant. Peppers, and tobacco. These alkaloids can inhibit cartilage repair.

Adding other supplements such as a good quality multi vitamin. 4000 mg of Omega fatty acids. Grape seed extract, Glucosamine with turmeric (Procosa), extra Vitamin D3 4000 IU, probiotics, and Beta Glucan mushroom-bakers yeast formula.


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Linda Murphy

Linda Murphy

Linda is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. She teaches her clients easy ways to incorporate an anti-inflammatory diet in a busy lifestyle. She is an avid cook and loves to teach her clients easy and healthy ways to prepare everyday meals.
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