The sugar epidemic

With all the info out in the mainstream. I still don’t understand why our children are being pumped full of sugar. I work in the school system and see the amount of packaged sugary food the kids are eating. It is very discouraging to see, to say the least.

I understand people lead busy lives, but we are killing our children. It is being said that 1 in 3 children born after the year 2003, will be diagnosed with diabetes in their life time. If you have diabetes your chances of cancer increase by a whopping 30 – 40 %. Your chances of cardiovascular disease increases, along with a host of other deadly diseases.

If these are preventable by improving our diet. Why are our children not worth the extra time and effort it takes to cut up some healthy fruits and veggies. Stop buying the fruit juices, Kool Aid jammers, bear paws, rice krispie squares. etc etc. Be the role model, the educator to your children.




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Linda Murphy

Linda Murphy

Linda is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist. She teaches her clients easy ways to incorporate an anti-inflammatory diet in a busy lifestyle. She is an avid cook and loves to teach her clients easy and healthy ways to prepare everyday meals.
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