
Calories burned during exercise

Amount of  calories burned during exercise, will depend on your body weight. Here are some popular exercises and the approx calories burned during a 1 hour session. Weight lifting:  130

Healthy Lemon squares

For the crust: 1/4 cup honey 1/2 cup coconut oil at room temp ( consistency of soft butter) pinch of salt 1 cup coconut flour, or oat flour, or barley

Fresh Quinoa Veggie Salad

Ingredients 2 cups quinoa 1 carrot diced 1 stalk celery diced 1 white turnip diced 3 tomatoes diced 1 diced cucumber 3 green onions chopped 1/4 cup chopped parsley 2

zucchini bread

 Dry 3 cups spelt flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 3 teaspoons ground cinnamon Wet ingredients 3 eggs 1 cup olive oil 2  cups organic cane sugar 3 teaspoons vanilla

Zucchini slaw

2 small zucchini or 1 large 1 large green apple 1 large carrot 1 half red onion grate the zucchini, apple, carrot and onion Dressing 1/4 cup lemon juice 1

chicken masala

Ingredients 2 large chicken breast cut into strips or  4 to six small chicken tenderloin 1 red onion swiss chard buckwheat noodles coconut milk 1 tbsp masala 1 tsp turmeric

The sugar epidemic

With all the info out in the mainstream. I still don’t understand why our children are being pumped full of sugar. I work in the school system and see the

Is Cancer genetic?

Should we be worried if our family has a history of cancer.? Research has proven that 98% of cancers are preventable, only 2% are truly genetic. Even if you have

What are nourishing foods ?

Most people know they need to eat fruits and veggies. No brainer..right? Well there is more to it than that. We need to understand inflammation and acidity as well. Most

Motivation to lose Weight Video 1

Learn how to get motivation started? Where do you begin? What steps to take to keep your motivation going?  Ready to take the first step with us? watch this video..