
Motivation to lose weight

Motivation to lose weight You decide you want to lose weight. But how do you start?. It starts at the top, with your mind. You need to set goals and

Low B12 levels.

ARE you getting all your Vitamin B’s ?? This seems to be one of the more common complaints I hear from clients. Their doctors test them and often times tell

Foods that contain gluten

Sausages Luncheon meat Blue cheese Gravy powder and browning Matzo flour/meal Shredded suet Seitan (pure gluten!) Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP) Baked beans Farina Meat and fish pastes Paté Self basting

GMO seeds

I found an interesting article that made me aware that the so called healthy garden I was going to plant, may contain seeds that are GMO from Monsanto.  I have

Bean Salad

In a pot  bring to a boil 1 to 2 mins. Then let cool 1/2 olive oil or safflower 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar 1/2 cup organic cane sugar celery

Kale Salad

One large bunch of Kale(organic if possible). 1 large avocado 1/2 cup raw cashews 1 large date 1/4 olive oil or avocado oil 1/4  sea salt Tear kale away from


  Mediation is not to empty the mind but it is to fill it. Fill it with the word of God. Fill it with all the things he says we

Minestrone Soup

1 small onion 2 stalks celery 2 med carrots 1 cup chopped greens (spinach, collard greens, swiss chard) 1 tablespoon coconut oil or grapeseed oil 1 clove garlic 1 tsp

healthy school lunch ideas

We are all busy. Working  and  taking kids to all their activities. We are often times tired. and don’t feel like cutting and chopping and preparing for our meals. But