
Vegetarian lasagna

  I love this recipe. I wanted to create one that had the ricotta cheese taste and texture to it without using cheese. I have loved the versatility of cauliflower

Bliss Balls

These yummy treats are no bake. Packed full of protein and healthy fats. 2 cups organic nuts 2 cups dried fruit (I love figs and apricots) 1 1/2 cup organic

Sunshine Smoothie

This tasty smoothie as taken from the What’sUp USANA website. I changed it to incorporate our new shakes. 1 frozen or fresh banana 1 apple chopped 1 cup fresh orange

Murphy approved Sweet potato pancakes

4 cups cooked sweet potato or pumpkin would work 1 cup apple sauce 1 tbsp vanilla 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice or mixture of cinnamon, ginger, allspice 2 scoops Mysmartshake(USANA)

nutritional programs

3 Step -Prep and planning program $150 Total of 3 hours 1st step – clean out cupboards 2nd step- trip to the grocery store 3rd step- cooking with me I

9 Week total transformation program

This exclusive program was designed by a Registered Holistic Nutritionist with 10 years of nutritional experience. What does it include: dozens of recipes Knowledgeable instructor Support & answers Exercise guide

Salmon Loaf

This recipe comes from  Nova Scotia from my Grandmother. This is my favourite comfort food, as well as my families. My daughter would bring it to school in a thermos

Healthy Fats

Healthy Fat Guidelines Sources of healthy fats include: Olives and Olive oil ( Don’t use to cook ) Coconuts and coconut oil Butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk Raw nuts,